

graphic, print, packaging, PR

Opět bodujeme ve Hvězdě 3D reklamy

Naše reklamní kojenecká sada pro společnost Vodafone získala 2. místo v soutěži Hvězda 3D reklamy v kategorii Reklamní textil. 94 Minutes stále drží neporušenou sérii každoročního umístění se na předních příčkách této...
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94 minutes s.r.o. členem POPAI

V březnu 2016 jsme vstoupili do asociace POPAI. 94 Minutes tímto po více než 20 letech na trhu potvrzuje, že má své místo mezi velkými hráči reklamy.
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News and trends from promotional goods fairs in China, Hong Kong and Düsseldorf

94 Minutes team attended international promotional goods fairs in Hong Kong and China in autumn as well as PSI fair in Dusseldorf in January.  We will offer the hottest innovative promotion gifts for 2015 to you soon.  Keep an eye on our e-shop...
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  • 94 Minutes focuses especially on graphics, print and advertising. We produce and supply promotional and advertising goods. For more details see the Services section.
  • 10 closely cooperating specialists (Pre-press, Print, 3D advertising incl. Branding, Marketing and Communication) who dispose of extensive experience with the advertising market is at your service. Everything with the best know-how and professional attitude paid to all assignments.
  • We focus on work quality, perfect arrangement, attention to detail and especially on final graphic, print and advertisement efficiency.
  • Our company provides you with precise and individual service to support your marketing activities. We put great emphasis on a long-term cooperation.
  • 94 Minutes minimizes your advertising and marketing expenses.
  • Our company guarantees outstanding arrangement, originality, promptness and quality in exchange for reasonable prices. We can deal with those little things which are necessary for your company development. “We do not make any differences between a small order and a big one” – this is our advantage!
  • 94 Minutes is a member of PSI (Present Service Institute), an international advertising association, as well as the national A3DR (Association of Three-Dimensional Advertisement) association.